The portfolio is suitable for investors with a long investment horizon. The individual stocks are picked for their high quality. The portfolio consists of equities from two categories, blue chips and risk positions, with the risk positions making up no more than 30% of the portfolio as a whole. The stocks are selected through fundamental analysis alongside a quantitative screening of three primary quality criteria:
Further criteria such as the quality of the management and the board of directors and the market position of the company are examined in a qualitative process. In the risk position group, the companies may not necessarily meet the set quality criteria, but The Market editors believe they will improve. This is the case, for instance, if a new management team has come in or a company finds itself in a turnaround situation.
As a general guide, 70% of The Market Best Ideas Portfolio consists of blue chips, not more than 30% of risk positions. For tactical reasons the portfolio may hold an exposure to cash. The portfolio consists of at least 20 and no more than 40 stocks. Geographically it is oriented to Switzerland, but is complemented with international shares. This allows sectors which have little or no representation in Switzerland – such as technology or commodities – to be covered. As a rule of thumb, 70% of the portfolio consists of equities from Switzerland, 30% of equities from other countries.
Every day the editorial team of The Market analyses what is happening on global financial markets and in the business world. Their focus is always on the big picture and in-depth research from the point of view of the investor. The founders of The Market are prominent financial journalists and acknowledged experts in investment themes, the financial markets and major economic trends. That is also what their editorial concept represents. As a financial medium directed specifically at investors, The Market offers two to three articles of high analytical quality every day. The editorial team sets itself the goal of identifying and highlighting relevant developments, important trends and exciting investment themes. Rather than fixating on short-term news, they focus instead on what a long-term knowledge advantage brings. The editors have been managing The Market Best Ideas Portfolio, consisting of equities of some 30 companies offering attractive investment prospects, since March 2020.
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